Todd "Shogun" Bustillo
03/27/09 02:03 Filed in: Fan Letter | photo
Congratulations on 25 successful years of writing and drawing Usagi Yojimbo. You have accomplished what only few creators in the world of independent comics can claim to, and you have done so without any disruption to the quality and sincerity of your work. It remains as it always has; a true, accurate portrait of historical Japan, with characters, stories, and situations that continue to delight the young and the old, not to mention us middle-agers.
I remember the first time I read the pages of Usagi Yojimbo. I was only 12 years old and somewhat new to the world of comics myself. I say “somewhat” because my exposure to comics was strictly limited to what I could find on the racks at liquor stores and Waldenbooks at the local mall. Namely Marvel and DC stuff. Then one day my Dad took me to my very first comic book store, and I was finally exposed to the full world of comics. The possibilities seemed endless. From black-and-whites, to Manga, to trade paperbacks and limited edition hard covers, not to mention an endless supply of back issues of new and old comics to enjoy. Of course, with limited funds I was forced to keep my options within reason. I only read the very best. One day I found Usagi and my life hasn’t been the same since. Usagi truly was at that point in time, and just the same today, the best damned comic book ever produced.
I consider myself fortunate to have followed Usagi for most of these 25 years continuously and always eagerly awaiting the next issue with great anticipation. Usagi isn’t just a comic book anymore, but an integral part of my life, as I know it is for many others out there. I can remember when I finally got to meet you at the San Diego Comic Con back in the 80s. It was an amazing experience for a young kid and I look back on those days fondly. I remember the overwhelming excitement as only a teenage fanboy can experience when I first landed that copy of Albedo NR 2, or while following the Dragon Bellow Conspiracy series, or when I got my first commissioned piece of Stan Sakai artwork, or when I got my first fan letter printed in one of the Fantagraphics issues…there were many moments of sheer bliss then that seem like they happened just yesterday, and those experiences remain an important part of me. And now at 35 years of age, with my own son, I am able to pass on that importance and those experiences.
Usagi Yojimbo has been such an essential part of my life for so long now, fueling so much enthusiasm, that I really must say “thank you”. I am really glad you have given me the opportunity to support Usagi through the Usagi Yojimbo Dojo website and the countless fans who have been brought together to share their interest in this impeccable series. Usagi fans are a different breed of comic book fans. They are passionate, enthusiastic, intellectual, respectful, and have really great taste in what they read. It has been an honor serving you and your readers through the Dojo and I will continue to do so as long as I am able to type on a keyboard. I truly hope my efforts to give back to yourself and Usagi fandom for making UY what it is today have been fruitful. And of course if there is anything else I can ever do to help, you know my swords are at your disposal.
25 years went by fast, but what an accomplishment. You truly deserve to feel proud of what you have done. Bravo, Stan. Here’s to 25 more.
Sincerely yours,
Todd “Shogun” Bustillo
Usagi Yojimbo fan

Congratulations on 25 successful years of writing and drawing Usagi Yojimbo. You have accomplished what only few creators in the world of independent comics can claim to, and you have done so without any disruption to the quality and sincerity of your work. It remains as it always has; a true, accurate portrait of historical Japan, with characters, stories, and situations that continue to delight the young and the old, not to mention us middle-agers.
I remember the first time I read the pages of Usagi Yojimbo. I was only 12 years old and somewhat new to the world of comics myself. I say “somewhat” because my exposure to comics was strictly limited to what I could find on the racks at liquor stores and Waldenbooks at the local mall. Namely Marvel and DC stuff. Then one day my Dad took me to my very first comic book store, and I was finally exposed to the full world of comics. The possibilities seemed endless. From black-and-whites, to Manga, to trade paperbacks and limited edition hard covers, not to mention an endless supply of back issues of new and old comics to enjoy. Of course, with limited funds I was forced to keep my options within reason. I only read the very best. One day I found Usagi and my life hasn’t been the same since. Usagi truly was at that point in time, and just the same today, the best damned comic book ever produced.
I consider myself fortunate to have followed Usagi for most of these 25 years continuously and always eagerly awaiting the next issue with great anticipation. Usagi isn’t just a comic book anymore, but an integral part of my life, as I know it is for many others out there. I can remember when I finally got to meet you at the San Diego Comic Con back in the 80s. It was an amazing experience for a young kid and I look back on those days fondly. I remember the overwhelming excitement as only a teenage fanboy can experience when I first landed that copy of Albedo NR 2, or while following the Dragon Bellow Conspiracy series, or when I got my first commissioned piece of Stan Sakai artwork, or when I got my first fan letter printed in one of the Fantagraphics issues…there were many moments of sheer bliss then that seem like they happened just yesterday, and those experiences remain an important part of me. And now at 35 years of age, with my own son, I am able to pass on that importance and those experiences.
Usagi Yojimbo has been such an essential part of my life for so long now, fueling so much enthusiasm, that I really must say “thank you”. I am really glad you have given me the opportunity to support Usagi through the Usagi Yojimbo Dojo website and the countless fans who have been brought together to share their interest in this impeccable series. Usagi fans are a different breed of comic book fans. They are passionate, enthusiastic, intellectual, respectful, and have really great taste in what they read. It has been an honor serving you and your readers through the Dojo and I will continue to do so as long as I am able to type on a keyboard. I truly hope my efforts to give back to yourself and Usagi fandom for making UY what it is today have been fruitful. And of course if there is anything else I can ever do to help, you know my swords are at your disposal.
25 years went by fast, but what an accomplishment. You truly deserve to feel proud of what you have done. Bravo, Stan. Here’s to 25 more.
Sincerely yours,
Todd “Shogun” Bustillo
Usagi Yojimbo fan